Love, Joy, Peace...

Lord’s Day Worship at Grace Presbyterian Church 

Sunday morning, July 28, 2024 

Theme of the Quarter: Isaiah 45:22 

Turn to me and be saved, all the ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other.” 


Welcome & announcements 


*Receiving the Lord’s call to come to him in worship – Psalm 149:1-2 

Pastor: Praise the LORD! Sing to the LORD a new song, his praise in the assembly of the godly! 

Congregation: Let Israel be glad in his Maker; let the children of Zion rejoice in their King! 

*Lifting our hearts to the Lord in humble adoration and praise 

Pastor: God of glory, we gather together to praise and rejoice in you because you are our Maker and King. In our singing, praying, and listening, help us to stand in awe of you and your Christ, and work in our hearts so that we might continue to stand in awe when we leave this place. We ask this in the name of your Son Jesus Christ, who taught us to pray…  

Congregation: Our Father… 

*Praising the triune God 

“Sing to the Lord, Sing His Praise” (Psalm 96) Trinity Hymnal 62:1-4 

Hearing the Word of God from the Old Testament  

Judges 2:6-15 

Hearing the Word of God from the New Testament 

Revelation 16:1-16 

Approaching the living God in confession and supplication 

*Marveling at the grace of our God in Jesus Christ his Son 

“God, in the Gospel of His Son” Trinity Hymnal 141 

*Professing our faith together 

Westminster Shorter Catechism Q45-48 (p.872 in Trinity Hymnal)  

*Praising the Lord with the Doxology  

“Book Three Doxology” (Psalm 89:52) (Book of Psalms for Worship 89H):  

Now to the LORD all blessings be ascribed forever then; 

Forevermore, so let it be! Amen, and yes, Amen! 

*Bringing our tithes and offerings to the Lord with prayer  

Asking God to bless our hearing of his Word 

(NO Children’s Church for the month of July) 

Giving heed to the Word of God 

Exodus 7:14-8:15 

Blood and Frogs - Rev. Nicholas Davelaar 

I. The LORD changed the waters of Egypt to blood to demonstrate that he is the LORD. (7:14-24) 





II. The LORD covered the land of Egypt with frogs to demonstrate that he is the LORD. (7:25-8:15)  





*Rejoicing in our God 

“Lead On, O King Eternal” Trinity Hymnal 580 

*Being sent out into the world with the Lord’s benediction   

Grace PCA - Indianapolis
7900 Allisonville Road, Indianapolis, IN 46250
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